Today we talking about the art of pretending. Pretending is something we are all guilty of, it escapes no one, and anyone who says any differently is just lying!! Some of us do it more consciously than others, especially when the hatred for the other person is deep seated. While others just do it because it has become such a natural situation for them.
Most cases of pretending are often at work when you are forced to interact with other people which you depend on to certain things that are not in your job description or you don't have access to. For example, the girl who books boardrooms or secretary you need information from. You know that if you are going to reveal your true feelings or act like you feel you never going to get anything done. So you put on your Game Face and you like :
" Heeeyyyyy babes, love that dress......", although its absolutely hideous!
Other situations can be around friends and family. Lets discuss family first because the pretending that goes on with family and the pretending that goes on with friends is NOT the same. Pretending with family is more of a courtesy which you extend to them. You don't want to hurt their feelings, because these are people you do care about but you have drifted in other directions so your goals and ambitions and sometimes morals are not the same anymore and so you pretend to be interested in their stories of anguish, pain, happiness and whatever their kids are up to. In short you are polite. Which is still pretending, Cause you pretending that you are actually interested in them when you not. You are just there because you supposed to be and because you are also curious to find out what they up to
Then pretending with friends....this for me is an inconceivable notion, which happens all the time but it still leaves me speechless. The thing is I consciously choose my own friends. They are not there waiting for me when I get to work and I am not forced to interact with them. Neither was I born or married into their families. So why would I pretend to like someone I call my friend. If I don't like you I will unfriend you. For me its that simple, for others its a game of power, deceit and betrayal which fills the void in their shallow, insignificant lives.
Maybe I a bit harsh in my response but there's a huge difference between a friend and an acquaintance and there is no way you can confuse the two. And someone who pretends to be your friend when they have ulterior motives for their kindness can have disastrous consequences for both parties involved. Cause think about? Just as much as one person thinks they can destroy you, you also have equipped yourself with the power to destroy them. But how does it benefit anyone? Where will it end? Is it all necessary? Which brings me to my initial point of-If you don't like someone just don't be their friend. Problem solved.
Another area in which we pretend is in relationships. We pretend because we think if we over look things, things will change for the better. We pretend to be happy when we not, we post pictures of me and my Boo being all loved up, while back at the ranch....well you know what I am talking about it. What goes on in your relationship is your business but don't pretend to the extent of loosing yourself or compromising your integrity. Only you knows what's best for you.
So how do you spot a great pretender?
You don't have to. They reveal themselves in all four spheres. So even though you pretending to like your mother-in-law-Girl she knows you don't like her. And although you told that secretary at work her dress is hot-she knows its ugly. Nobodies game is that good. All pretenders reveal their true colours one time or another, you just have to be patient and wait. And if you the one pretending, know that you will get caught and be prepared for it. That's just life.
Outfit details:
Skirt @Woolworths
Shirt @Polo
Bag @Ted Baker
Labels: #AngelsCloset #Fashion #Fashion #Blogger #Glam #FashionInspiration, inspiration, motivationalblogger